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Double column lifting machine operation process and matters needing attention

2015/7/27      view:

Double column lifting machine or double post auto lift machine operation process and notice resolution:

Lifting vehicles, ruled out around obstacles, and pay attention to the lifting machine platform and can't stand people around, and check the lifting machine rise on both sides.

Parked the vehicle location specified in the lifting machine, four bracket correctly in the vehicle at the bottom of the fulcrum.

Found without the correct lifting point, it is forbidden to lift car.

In the process of operation, not want to stand under the lifting machine or starting the engine.  when lifting, rubber mat should be placed under the car suitable lifting point, when the desired height, should ensure that lock.

Lifting machine before landing. Confirm tools, workbench evacuation etc. The lifting machine release lever, before landing landing process, the attention observation, found the car, immediately release the lever, lest the land.

When people work under the rising car, others may not control lever.  up or drive the car lifts, confirm the lifting arm and bracket without stop.  operation workers every day before coming off work, should be cleaning and lifting column and lifting area.